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MELISSA brings her students to meet KELLY CLARKSON


Melissa and her husband truly believe that if you work hard you should be rewarded... BIGTIME! and that  young artists should also have lots of practical experience and influence to draw from as singers. So after pulling a few strings they were able to accomplish something unheard of for  14  of her vocal students from her LET THERE BE ROCK SCHOOL. And there was lots of screaming, crying and even singing when they met Superstar KELLY CLARKSON!!!.  Once Melissa told her they were all her singers Kelly said "well then we have to sing together" and they all broke into  her song "Dark Side".  Melissa and John then brought them all to their  unbelievably close PIT seats, and watched while they danced and sang the night away and couldn't believe it when KELLY gave them a shout out from the stage "to all her singers from the rock school." It was a magical night for all ! She was humble , sweet, glad to be there and fun. KELLY is without a doubt one of the best singers in the business and now we know for sure that she ttly RULES!




Stay tuned this season to see Melissa's own Audra McLaughin perform on THE VOICE. They have been working intensely  for over a year on taking steps to get Audra Industry ready and this  was the perfect venue to showcase their hardwork.  Melissa says, " Audra  came to me with a beautiful voice and just needed to get a bit of technique behind her and  really needed to figure out how to take what she had and turn it PRO, so that is what we do. From performance rehearsals, to voice coaching, to vocal producing to media training. We do it all and have both worked very hard  and it has really paid off.  Now, I can't wait for the World to see! "  Melissa also is keeping a watchful eye on THE VOICE -IRELAND as amazing vocalist and friend Sarah Sylvia has already made it to the finals!



 MTV is launching a Singing Competion Series called "COPYCAT" and Melissa is right there in on the action. She has been working with one of her students to help her "become" her assigned Celebrity vocalist." It's a fun challenge taking someones natural voice and teach them how to use technique to achieve another artists style."  Stay tuned for air date info and to find out more about her talented student!

The Voice: Blake Shelton Picks Up a Singer Who Rivals His Wife


Miranda Lambert apparently has some serious competition. The Voice coach Blake Shelton – who also happens to be Lambert's husband – scored a big win Tuesday night when he added Philadelphia singer Audra McLaughlin to his team after she performed "Angel from Montgomery" so powerfully Shelton said it rivaled his wife's version of the song. "Audra is absolutely amazing," a triumphant Shelton said after McLaughlin decided to join Team Blake. "That's one of Miranda's all-time favorite songs. She took it to a place that Miranda doesn't take it." Levine failed to add any singers to his team on Tuesday, but fought hard for McLaughlin, pushing his button after she sang just a few bars and giving her a standing ovation at the end of the performance. "I was first to turn by a long shot," Levine told McLaughlin as he tried to woo her. "Then when I turned around I was even more overjoyed because you're beautiful." Shakira called her "the one we've been waiting for," but it was Blake who gave her the most memorable pitch of the evening. "When you hit the last note, you know those fireworks that go off and spell stuff? It said 'Team Blake,' then trickled down behind you and you looked angelic."

It is so nice to see Talent that began with Melissa still doing so well in their careers. Cynthia Wills- Perez featured here  on Dr. Oz was  a talent that Melissa Scouted when judging at the infamous MODEL SEARCH AMERICA in Wash. DC. "Cynthia just had something special. She was determined, professional and had a fresh commercial beauty and I knew that combination would take her far. The first week she was with me I had her cast in a Nicholas Cage movie filming in AC and from there her career just took off. She has always been such a pleasure to know and work with- now her children are modeling too- so fun!"


Melissa also had the pleasure of working with the emerging Super- Talent- Krysten Ritter. Melissa was Krysten's first Agent and the one who secured her first International modeling contract with Elite Models in NYC.  "She was a very successful model and always had a bright quirky fun side to her that was so well suited for acting and quickly catapulted  her to superstardom. I produced a really cool fashion show that I put her in and hired a professional to take shots of her on the runway,then had a meeting with the amazing shots that we got and that is how it happened." Appearing regularly on Dawson's Creek and Veronica Mars, she  then secured the role of Jessie's girlfriend on Breaking Bad and had her own show called THE B- in Apt 23 on ABC. She now is starring alongside Kristen Bell and Kristen Cavaleiri  in VERONICA MARS - the movie. Way to go Krysten!



MELISSA introduces student to his IDOL



Sometimes you are just sitting there playing guitar in your room at home and you randomly get a call from your singing coach asking you if you want to come over and meet one of your all time IDOLS!!. That is what happened to Melissa's student Shane Barr one fine day. Melissa knew Shane was a big fan because in his first show at her school he learned how to play and sing the Dropkick Murphy's song "Shipping up to Boston" and loved it so much that he begged his Dad for a mandolin so he could learn the beginning. The song went over huge at the show and became a favorite for everyone so when she knew Ken Casey was going to be in town she made some magic happen and Shane ended up spending the day with him and even was asked to get up and play.  Wow, glad he practiced so much -you just  never know!!!!


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